Hey gang,
Well looks like I overestimated how fast I'd recover from Covid. Spent most of the week fatigued and didn't get as many things closed out as I want. So, a lot of the things I wanted to get done this week are around 60% completion. Wanted to spend the rest of today working through things, but I forgot I actually had some life stuff I needed to get done today as well -_-
Anyways, since my new job is still icing me since I recently got covid, I'll still have some free days. So I'm gonna take the next few days to squeeze some more content into this update and wrap up some of the things I'm close to finishing before the end of the month. I'll try to get everything done by Wednesday, regardless of the state of this, I'll make the update then since you all have been waiting patiently for so long. I'm sorry these weekly updates are turning more into monthly updates, but I'll do my best to make the waiting worth it.
Thanks for your support once again and have a great rest of your weekend!
I wish you the best of luck properly recovering and getting that stuff sorted out. I love what you do and I am thinking about making a commission though it'd have to be at the start of the new month. I was also curious, is what you charge in CAD or USD? I checked and couldn't find any specifics about it. I also hope with said commission that it encourages people to either make more art.
Thank you and I appreciate all of your kinds messages and your support! ^-^ and the prices in my Ko-fi are all in USD.