Heya! I make a bunch of NSFW stuff whenever I get the time :]
All characters depicted are 18+

Age 29, Male

Software developer

At a desk somewhere

Joined on 7/31/17

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CountMoxi's News

Posted by CountMoxi - September 19th, 2021

Heya gang,

Got a lot of life stuff I need to get wrapped up tomorrow, so I'm not sure how much work I'll be able to do. So I'm gonna push the update back to Monday just in case.

Thanks for your patience and have a good day! 


Posted by CountMoxi - September 17th, 2021

Heya gang,

Sorry things have been delayed quite a bit. I still need time to work on a few things since life stuff came up that I still need to take care of. But I wanted to get a small update out to you all and let you know what I've been up to. So let's get into things

Mythra's NNN

Still doing the transition scene from the first breast grope loop to the 2nd. Mostly cleaning the lines, the arms,  and finishing the lighting for the tits. Once that's done I'll make the transitions for the other parts of her body like her face, hair, and arms so things remain consistent. 


Palace of the Goddess

Worked more on the 3rd tit fuck loop. Also going to try and get the cut in animations and the other Goddess Offering loops worked on too



Finished a comm for JxBermudez27 and also worked on some other ones, but they are still wip. I don't want to fall too behind on these, so I will place in emphasis on them in the coming days.



Finished some other drawings too

Sweaty inkling doodle page


Pyra butts doodle page


A Shinobu Kochou doodle I might do more with later. Trying a black and white manga style with this one.


Anyway, that's about it. Gonna try and get some animated commissions done and some more stuck butt commms done since I've had some more order for those as well. And then some more work on Mythra and Palutena if I can. Sorry once again for the weekly update delay, but I hope you look forward to the next one.

As always you can support me on Subscribestar or Patreon.

Have a great weekend!



Posted by CountMoxi - September 14th, 2021

Hey gang,

Just letting you know I'm pushing the weekly update to Wednesday. I have a lot of things I'm trying to wrap up, so I just want a bit of extra time to do so. I should have some cool stuff to show you though, so I hope you look forward to it!


Posted by CountMoxi - September 12th, 2021

Hey gang,

Just letting you know the weekly update will be coming Monday. Just want a bit more time to work on things. 

See you then!


Posted by CountMoxi - September 6th, 2021

Heya gang,

Hope you all have been well. Small update this time around. Mainly want to just let you all know what I'll be working on this upcoming week. So let's get into things.

 I did some more work on the transition between the first and second breast grope animations. I think I got a good motion for it, so I'll be working more on it until it's finished.


I also didn't like the face in that last Pyra pic I posted, so I spent some time fixing it. I think I tend to make the heads of my characters a bit too small, so I want to try and fix that in the future.


I also worked more on the Palace of the Goddess cut in's but nothing too significant. But I should have more solid progress to show you all next week.

Anyways, that's about it for now. I will mainly be focusing on Mythra, Palace of the Goddess, and then working on commissions. I'm planning to try and make enough content to be able to post something publicly every day , so expect some smaller sketches and maybe some doodle pages in between things. I already have a bit of a buffer, but I want to keep up the momentum of things.

As always you can support me on Subscribestar or Patreon.

Thank you for all your comments and support as always, and I hope you have  a great week. And if you celebrate labor day, I hope you have a great one as well! 



Posted by CountMoxi - September 2nd, 2021

Heya gang,

Sorry for the radio silence for the month of August. I've been struggling with some life stuff and some struggles with my art and it's direction. Been having trouble keeping my confidence up on things lately. Ugh, everything is taking so long to make. Sorry for the wait as always, but I'll try my best to get things to you all sometime soon. But anyway, let's get into things.

 Mythra's NNN

Still working on this big thing. Geeze it feels like I've been staring at Mythra's tits for a year now as I try to get this thing animated. Hmm, how long has it been since I finished part 1? *Checks* Oh. Well that's kinda depressing. I still remember when I thought I could get this whole thing done before November ended last year lol Ugh, I always underestimate how long it takes for me to finish these things. But at least I made some progress on it since last time:

- I cleaned up the 1 tit fuck loop and added some more secondary animation to make it flow better.

- I added a bunch of small details to the 2nd tit fuck loop and it looks much better imo

- finished the first transition from the thigh and belly rub, to the start of the tit rubbing. 

- finished the transition from the double thigh rub to thigh and belly rub

- Laid out the transition for the tit grope loop 1 to 2

The things is still moving a lot slower than I want. I always forget how difficult it can be to work on big project's like this and it's hard to fight off the feeling that all of this animation isn't actually worth it. I feel like I can work on it all day and barely make any progress on it. Especially since it's all one shot with an angle I don't normally do. The transitions are especially kicking my ass. Not only is it hard to find a good motion for them sometimes, but some mistakes I made earlier, like having the breast size in the first and 2nd tit grope loops too different, have made it so I either need to fix the loop, or try to fudge it in the transition. Hmm, I'm sure how I'll correct things as of yet, but I'm sure I'll figure things out and I'll keep you all posted on how things go. 


Palace of the Goddess

Got a decent amount of work done on this.

- I fleshed out all the hair movement for the cut-ins

- I animated the 3rd cut in

- I started animating the 3rd tit fuck loop

- Started animating the 3rd idle loop for the Goddess Offering

Gonna keep working on the cut in animations, and then finish the 3rd tit fuck loop. Once that's done I'll work on the climaxes for each one. I think it will be better for each loop to have it's own climax, rather than just a general one. I'll let you all know how things go. 







Also got a few commissions done

- Akiza Handjob for Reign-Beaux


- Stuck Butt Benihime for Powergem + bonus shot



- Balloon Girl 1 for CdrMcNeil


- Balloon girl 2 for CdrMcNeil


- Aiyoku for Cardea Vjei


- ST. Lois Progress for Moparmudder


- Zapphira progress Plantanote


Need to dedicate more time for these animated comms. They're taking too long, so I want to make sure I stay on top of them so people get the content they paid for.


Also did some other things, mostly to wrap up some older stuff just to get some things finished 

Finished an old anim of a pic Borvar did of Dahlia. Liked the concept, so I figured I'd try to animate it.


Tori butt and belly grope 4-frame mini animation for practice


Angela Booty wiggle sprite remake. The new remake of Trials of Mana took this animation out, so I thought it would be fun to remake it


Filia and Fukkua image set. Wanted to draw these two more, so I finally finished this set.


Pyrelief image set mock up. Had an idea of meeting up with Pyra after a stressful week, so I might make an image set about it sometime later down the line. 


Midna antics. Did a small doodle page of Midna. Gonna try to add more dialogue and story elements to my pics to give them a bit more flair


Anyways that's everything for now. Sorry once again that there was such a long gap in content and an update. Have just been dealing with a lot of things that have been knocking the wind out of me. Honestly, I'm just grateful to have all of your support. If I'm being fully transparent, I'm not sure why you have all decided to support my work when there are so many better artists out there. But I'm am truly grateful for it regardless. I will do my best to get things figured out so I can deliver the content you all deserve.

I will be busy this weekend, but I'll try to get some content for you all out by Sunday. 

Also I apologize for not publicly posting much recently. I want to see if I can shift to daily posting on places like twitter and Newgrounds, and I'll also try to start posting on Pixiv again, even though censoring can be a bit of a pain. But expect some smaller scale sketches as a result.

You can support me on Subscribestar or Patreon if you chose to do so.

Anyways, Thank you once again and I hope you have a great rest of the week. 



Posted by CountMoxi - August 16th, 2021

Hey gang,

Sorry for the delay on things. I've had to deal with a lot of stuff I've been putting off and it hasn't left me much time to sit down and work. I'm going to take this week to just get all the life stuff wrapped up before it gets any worse. Sorry again for all the delays,  but I'll make sure to have something whipped up by next Sunday.

Thank you for your support as always.


Posted by CountMoxi - August 8th, 2021

Heya gang,

Just letting you know the weekly update will be coming out most likely late Monday/ really early Tuesday. Have a few things I want to see if I can wrap up for this week's update, but I have  a few chores I need to get done today, so idk if I'll have the time to get everything done. Though I don't want the update to get pushed back too much, so it'll be coming out sooninsh.

Hope you look forward to it!


Posted by CountMoxi - August 1st, 2021

Hey gang,

Hope you've been well since last update. Sorry this took a bit to get to you all. Things have  been a bit hectic. I didn't get as much done as I wanted to this time around, but I still have some things to show you, so let's get into it.

Mythra's NNN

Spent more time on the first breast transition. I wanted to get more done on this, but things still need  a lot of work. This part is meant to feel the most intimate, so I'm spending a lot of time on the small stuff, but the project has also taken too long. So I need to evaluate how important those small details are compared to the time it's taking to put them in. Sorry it's taking so long, but I hope you will enjoy it when it's all finished.


Palace of the Goddess

Kind of a similar situation that Mythra's NNN is in. I spent the most of my time working on the orgasm cut ins and seeing how fast I could animate the hair. I think the overall effect is nice, but it's also a matter of time vs quality, because the project is already majorly behind as it is. I still have a lot to do on it overall, so I'm not sure if it's worth it to animate the hair for all the cut in's. Let me know what you all think. Beyond that, I'm going to start working on the 3rd tit fucking loop and then I'll work on the climax animation.



Got some stuck butt comms done and some other comms done as well. I feel like I'm falling behind on my animated comms, so I'm also going to place an emphasis on that too for next week.

Origa for FlutterPls


Succubus for Lancaster Succubus


Tomoko for BadLoserKei 


Larxene tittes for Klix


Akiza Handjob wip


Ballon Cat Girl wip


Doodles / Misc sprites

I also did a lot of misc doodles and speed sprites and finished some older things as well.

I finished that Celica doodle page I showed a while back


I did some pixel translations of some of Tsuji Santa's work since I wanted to draw some Super Pochaco and like some pieces they did. 



I also did a small boob focused animation of a succubus just too see what I could do with a lower frame count (4-5) in about an hour or two. 


Made some doodles of Pyra as well since I've been wanting to draw her again. I've had a few ideas come to mind with her, so maybe I'll turn this into a small image set. We'll see what happens.



I also have been having some fun drawing some inklings. I still need to finish the sweaty Inkling doodle set, but I made another page featuring an Inkling with a fat ass, so I hope you enjoy that one. 



And then I finished up the old couple of Mipha doodles I started a while back.



Just want to talk about some stuff on my mind lately. July has been a very hectic month and it's had  a lot of ups and downs. And due to some circumstances that happened, it left me felling pretty negative for a lot for the month. Unfortunately for a while I relapsed into an old addiction I had. It's nothing major for my health, so don't worry, but it did drain  lot of my time and money and just ended up leading to more stress down the line. That, coupled with me feeling like I keep stagnating with my art and never learned how to do things properly, has made me lose confidence in my art and has made animating difficult, That's really why I spent the last week and a half working on doodles and pin-ups more. I want to have better posing, lighting, composition, and more knowledge overall of how I can convey the human body in my work. I feel like I often skimp on doing my animation properly and consistently and instead just blow up the proportions and rely on "big booba" to make things look good. So I've felt pretty unsatisfied with my work overall. My backlog is disgustingly large because I start and stop so many things and then run out of steam. And there's so much work I still need to do for subscriber and patron voted content as well as old projects that I've failed to deliver. Especially when it takes me so long to get things done because I lack the discipline to focus on one thing at a time. But if I can recognize these mistakes, I can at least start taking the steps needed to correct them. I will make sure to try my best and deliver good content to you all.

While I'm on that note, I want to thank you all for your support.  Not only the support on Patreon, Subscribestar, and social media, but I've received a lot of commissions as well. It really helped bail me out of a lot of the problems that cropped up during the month of July. I'm very grateful for you interest in my work. I'm truly lucky to have you here and I will do my best to make content for you to enjoy.

Anyways, that's all for now. I'm going to take tomorrow off, and then will take next week to work on Mythra's NNN and Palace of the Goddess. As well as knock out some more commissions.

You can support me on Subscribestar or Patreon

Thank you for your support as always and I hope you have a wonderful week.  



Posted by CountMoxi - July 31st, 2021

Gonna wrap up the weekly update when I wake up. Just need to finish 2 or so more things but I'm too tired to finish them now. Sorry for the wait.