Hey gang,
Sorry this weekly update took longer to get to ya. Starting to sound like a broken record since I keep missing the deadline for late Sunday / Early Monday -_-. Things have just been busier than I thought and I want to show a decent amount of progress for each update, so I usually end up pushing things until I have something to show. But in the future I probably just need to get over my ego when it comes to that and showcase things on time even if they aren't 100% done yet. Oh, also I figured out the issue with Patreon on my public posts being too lewd, so hopefully that won't be a problem anymore. Any way, let's get into things.
Project work
Mythra NNN
Finished doing the fingers for both of her hands for the 2nd tit fuck loop, as well as detailed the nipples. Gonna move to the lighting next. Speaking of lighting, I also fixed and added some of the lighting in the first tit loop. Mainly on her left nipple because I forgot to add the lighting to it before.

Palace of the Goddess
Started laying out the movement for her bangs and the hair behind her. Also changed the lighting on her boobs to make the movement more consistent. Shouldn't take too much longer to wrap those details up. Then there's more lighting and general clean up to do. Then the halo behind her. So a bit more to do, but close to wrapping this part up.

I'll also be expanding Booette quite literally. Adding 10 pixels to both sides taking the animation from a 80 x 80 anim to a 100 x 80 anim. It's a small change, but I think it will make the animation overall easier to view and appreciate. It'll take a bit f time to accommodate the animation for the extra space, but I think it will be worth it in the end.

I've also worked a bit more on Cynthia, but I don't have enough to show unfortunately. But I think I came up with a fun idea for it, so I hope you look forward to it.
Commissions and sketches
I finished the YCH Anim Action for Nova Silver. I think it turned out pretty well overall.

I also finished a Stuck Butt commission for Nexx of Alma from VA-11 Hall-A

I also spent quite a bit of time sketching out the next batch of commissions I'll be working on.
Full-Body pic for ExTheMan of their OC Tanya

Animated loop for Plantanote of their OC Zapphira and her Lucky Knight

Animated loop Hachiro of their OC Kisu

Full body pic for JxBermudez27 of their OC Princess Toot

I'll be working through these periodically alongside project work.
I also did some speed paints for a warm up throughout the week
Sweaty inkling


Vampire swoop sketch animation

Anyways that's about it for now. Still trying to find a good balance between commission work and project work. Everything feels like it's taking too long. But in reality I probably just need to be more focused and not be so much of a perfectionist. Well, I'm sure I'll figure things out eventually.
Thank you all so much for your support as always. I will work hard to make good content for you all.
As always, you can support me on Subscribestar or Patreon!
Have a great week!